First things first, girl you can move! Tell us a little more about how you got into dance, yoga and pilates and what gets you grooving? 

I’ve been moving my whole life! I started with Ballet from a very young age & moved into other genres of dance when I was in high school. The foundation started there & once I finished school at 17 I discovered yoga! It was the closest form of exercise that felt like Ballet & it just came naturally to me (that is not saying that it's ever easy!). I love a class that is full of flow and continuous movement, all the way through to Savasana.

I often still take dance classes when I can - I will never not dance & move, it's with me forever!

What does a standard week look like for you with your workouts and flows? 

I am a morning person, so every morning usually starts off with about 20 minutes of breath-work & then I take it into a flow that I generally make up for myself depending on what my body is craving that day. 

If I feel like venturing out I will take a class at Body Mind Life in Bondi - I have my favourite teachers, so I try to get there when I can. If I’m not practising yoga, I will be walking my dog Bonnie!

Give us a little insight into how you prime yourself for the day to ensure you can show up and give the best version of yourself? 

I think some sort of routine is important in keeping motivated in giving the best you can. I love change and every day is definitely different, but I make sure I try to stick to a small routine every morning that is now habitual and I don’t have to think about it. 20 minutes of breath-work every morning is my non-negotiable & it sets me up for the rest of the day. 

What or who motivates you to keep showing up to your mat?

Myself! I believe that if my health is not in check, I can not give my all to anyone else. You have to fill your cup up first & try for the best version of you before you start to fill anyone else’s cup.

Newest purchase, go-to recipe, fave song or hot-tip; tell us something you’re loving right now?

I have a Funky Yoga playlist! I don’t listen to conventional music when I practice on my own - My funky playlists make the more challenging classes a little easier to push through!