How long have you been practising and what brought yoga/pilates into your life?

I have been practising for 8 years now. During high school, yoga was an option for our P.E classes. We were lucky enough to practice overlooking Tamarama beach and I fell in love with it instantly. 

How is your favourite yoga or pilates studio? 

I love Power Living in Bondi for yoga, its heated and always a juicy class! For mat pilates I love Peaches on Bondi Road, and for reformers I love the high energy of a KX Pilates class. 

What or who is your go to inspiration for health, fitness and overall wellness? 

I love Sanne Vloet - for me she represents balance and is such an inspiring role model to follow. 

How would you spend a day off to refill your cup? 

Honestly just being at home for me. My boyfriends and I just moved into our own space in Bondi, and I have become a little home bug! I love reading, journaling and cooking to really reset. 

What is your current favourite recipe to cook? 

I love my green curry recipe. It's super warming and nourishing, and I also love the spice in it. 

Finally, if you could gift one of our mats to anyone who do you think needs a little bit of Meraki in their life?

My best friend Sash! She practiced for a while and has let it go during this covid period. A new mat is exactly what she needs to inspire her to get back into this life changing practice.